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18 Inspiring Mottos

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They can inspire us to , to overcome obstacles and keep working toward our goals, persevering even in the face of overwhelming opposition. I am not a big fan of Law Of Attraction books, movies and websites. The organization originated in August 1914 in from a conversation between Allen S.

It was originally started as a girls' only alternative to Key Club. K-Kids, Builders Club, Aktion Club, Kiwanis Junior K-Kids is intended for grades 4-5 in elementary school, and has a membership of 33,000 in 1,100 clubs in 8 nations. Archived from on 2012-06-24.

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They act as torches that guide footsteps when and where footing is precarious and unsure. They point us in a direction and remind us of the direction we mean to travel when sidetracked by less important things. After all, countries have constitutions. Companies have corporate mission statements. So why not us? Both families and individuals would benefit as much as countries and corporation if we all were to develop our own personal mottos to, torch-like, guide our footsteps in this adventure called life keep reading for 18 inspiring mottos you may want to pick from and adopt as your own. They can inspire us to , to overcome obstacles and keep working toward our goals, persevering even in the face of overwhelming opposition. They inspire us to , to reach inside and pull the best within to the outside. Not everyone, however, gets their mottos right. Sometimes we fail to live up to them. But truth is we all do the same to some extent. But they also inspire us to as well. We are, after all, works in progress. We can all, therefore, use the motivation and inspiration to help keep us keeping at it, to take the next step forward and then the next, to improve the life we live and the lives of those around us. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. In each key area of life, I seek out the very best practices and strive to make those my habits. The result is a continual incremental improvement in happiness, fulfillment and sense of purpose. I choose to and expectations. Without the self-trust, I could be led astray by others. Trust begins with each of us. The motto really spoke to me at a time when I felt stuck in life. I realized that I either can do everything I can to make life exactly how I want it, or just sleepwalk through life and get one day closer to death. To lead without followers reminds me to lead by humble and quiet example. I changed my attitude. It is the basis of all that I speak about on my blog. The tree, as represented in the crest, though burnt, is in the shape of a cross and is giving forth a green shoot. This speaks of resurrection and new life… This in fact defines everything I do in business, with my blog, my books, with my personal relations with others and the causes that I support. James Sinclair of Motto 16: Never underestimate to change your destiny ~ Vidya Sury of Motto 17: Your life counts — and make it count. There is no one like you on this planet. Never has been and never will be. Do not sell the world short. This is your life — love it, live it. One life, one chance — grab it. The rest is commentary ~ Fran Sorin of 3 Questions to help create your own personal motto: 1. What values would you most want to pass on to you children? The answers to these questions are a starting point. Figure out what speaks most clearly to you and begin working on the language to tersely express that core belief in an empowering and inspiring way. And then use it often to reinforce its message, letting it sink deeply into the fiber of who you are on a fundamental level. Oh, and by the way, feel free to borrow others. Such a wide array of them too. Some similar, but none the same and many very dissimilar. Thanks for sharing your motto with us, Angela. Such tragic moments of regret that will likely linger for the rest of their lives. But the thing is, showing it speaks so much louder and clearer than the words that are often so contrastingly mixed in the muddy waters of bickering, nitpicking, grudges, past mistakes, holding on to past wrongs, and all the little and big things we do and say that fails to show the love we proclaim or casually express and thereby robs love of its power. Thanks for making that point, Vidya. But you know what? From comments they make to emails I get to the inspiration all of you are to me to keep learning and discovering and exploring and growing. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and time, Laura. They speak to critical principles to our growth and happiness in such compact, bite-sized, thought-provoking, rhetorical packages. I loved putting this post together because, in part, it allowed me to read over the mottos many times as I chose how to order them and edit the article itself. Good stuff, here, for sure. Grateful people are kinder, more thoughtful, more decent human beings who just enjoy life so much more than ingrates. If you mean everyone would benefit from having more gratitude, I agree. Such a critical trait to develop for both our happiness and out character. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your motto. Yours included in that wisdom and insight. We should all strive for living a passionate, meaningful life of character as we reach out and build relationships. Thank you for sharing those powerful mottos, my friend. Life is what we make of it and armed with that kind of commitment to living a full life, we can create a life that truly matters on a very deep level to us. I know a lot of people who hold that view. I guess some of my agnosticism is not knowing exactly what the universe is responsible for. Is it the laws of physics and other sciences that govern the workings of life wherein people make mistakes? Or when you speak of the universe, do you include all that happens in life? I have to admit to some ignorance here. Mine is a more traditionally Biblical understanding of life. Would love to hear your perspective on things like the Holocaust and rape and starvation and natural disasters and all. There are no mistakes. It can LOOK like a mistake. You can wish you never went there and did that. Actually what is it? A learning opportunity for your growth. Try looking at it like this. The universe is comprised of everything there is and ever was. There is a record of every word, act, deed, utterance, event, etc etc from this moment going back until the beginning. You can actually access this it is known as the Akashic Records. Right now, you are connected, and you always have been — whether or not you perceive it. Interestingly, science is finally getting to the point where it is close to proving how this all works because you know how we like proof! What is the universe responsible for? I guess you mean as opposed to you? So…you are part of the universe. Your responsibility is…you have Free Will. That means that you direct everything. You co-create your entire experience. Would you mind me pushing a little more all lovingly, of course! But if the above paragraph is correct, I have a hard time imagining how slaughtering 6 million Jews in the Holocaust has anything to teach THOSE 6 million dead Jews. I just feel that you would be a wonderful source of information about this. Would love any insight you could shed! And thank you so much for the willingness to have such a conversation. Mind you, I do not purport to have all of the answers to these things! The other statements I made were based on my own personal experience doing readings for other people. You can choose to take any action. If you take one that is immoral, then what goes around comes around. Karma, so to speak. They never got what was coming to them. Karma carries across lifetimes. Even if we remember it, we have free will and can choose not to follow it. Do we always hear it, heed it, or allow it to guide us? No one is a Grand Director of life on Earth. From what I can see, there is no! There is however a Life Review. When you die there is a period where you get to experience what you did to others — exactly as they experienced it. You get a perspective on what your original pre-birth plan was and how you delivered on it by your actions — and this perspective is something that is very high level, something we could not grasp from our current perspective of being incarnated. That is what we are doing here as little parts of the Whole. I basically do readings for people every week and as I do them and learn and experience more about how this is all integrated I just write what I feel or write about what I am shown that is new. Posts come out every Thursday. You did a fabulous job answering my questions. I had never considered the belief of karma following into other lives. My Biblical take on life allows for free will as well. Rather, God can intervene, but allows us to go about doing good or bad because the centrality of free will to the whole purpose of life in our mortal experience. I guess my one remaining question mark lingers over the child Jew and all others in similar situations. Did 6 million dead Jews attract their fate by virtue of their previous lives? Or are they simply victims of free will? The latter would be my belief. But if the universe is perfect etc. I know, I know, I keep looking for the easy answers instead of doing the research myself. I will leave that one for someone else to figure out. I am not a big fan of Law Of Attraction books, movies and websites. Yes, LOA exists, but it seems to be only one piece of the puzzle. The rest of the Universal Laws are missing! At quick glance this one looks like it is brief, informative without trying to hard to sell you something: You will have to dig into some pretty hefty religious and scientific texts to read about it in depth. I love these kinds of conversations. There are so many ways of interpreting life and death and the meaning of the universe. Loved this little chat about some of those perennial questions. Hope all is well with you and hope your week is joyful! I have to admit that the post is indeed filled with some pretty great stuff. So glad you found value in what they wrote, Elle. Thank you so much for the insight and wisdom behind it. I worked for J. Penney in public relations for many years. Part of the mission statement of the company was to give the customer good value for the money, but not to charge all that the market would bear. Every year, each JCPenney district would host The Golden Rule Awards to honor people in the community who did good works. Having a motto or mission statement is not only important in business, but it should be the guiding principle in our personal lives as well. It gives our lives a sense of purpose and meaning that adds greatly to the overall quality of life. I read something about Mr. Penney before along those lines. Forgot about it until your comment. I think that is so amazing when companies do things like that, offering The Golden Rule Award to people in the community, for example. Business people and corporations often get such a bad rap in the media these days, but the billions of dollars of good they do in the form of donations and other acts of corporate decency, is truly astonishing. But they certainly were not alone. I love those kinds of stories, especially when there is a face behind the corporate philanthropic culture such as J. Thanks so much for sharing that, Barrie. And thank you for the kind words about this series. It was a lot of fun to write. So glad you liked what you read! The quote by J. Penney is great, but the background information that Barrie provided and her first hand experience with it is priceless, as they say. Thanks so much for including mine! I must say, I could get lost in your conversation with Julie. I love asking the BIG questions and challenging all the responses. Movies like What The Bleep Do We Know? Our meager attempts to explain the unexplainable. I certainly have my own theories but constantly find holes when I learn something new. Sharing your motto was my pleasure. Most of life is pretty simple, it seems to me. So your motto is just right! Yeah, I just love having those kinds of conversations too. Big questions about big issues within the context of some big conversations. Thanks for this awesome comment, Paige. Loved the post, and was informed and inspired by your discussion with Julie. Thanks to both of you for that! Although I mentioned my motto—Make haste to be kind— in your first post on this topic, I thought I would add another motto here just for fun. Honored to be in the group. It is interesting to read the mottos and learn more about each person. Your series has been enlightening, positive and inspiring. Thanks for another great post! Mottos can lead and guide us through our lives. Companies and schools all seem to have mottos, but your post is a great reminder that we should have a personal motto, one that expresses our core beliefs. I think most of us have core beliefs, even if not everyone has thought them through or articulated them very coherently. We live day by day going about life without applying our core values to our daily decisions because we often live by habit. Having mottos helps to sink those core values into our hearts and helps bring them to the forefront of our minds so we can live more consistently by those core values. I was inspired too as the mottos were sent to me and as I compiled this post. So much more of our lives are the result of our use of free will, the ability to choose how we will respond to the world. Just imagine life without the freedom to choose our responses! Thanks for coming by, Julie! I truly appreciate it! But a good motto can help center us, ground us and place our concerns in proper perspective. Then mole hills are recognized as just mole hills. And we are so much better prepared to recover from life as it happens. Thanks so much for the comment, Brandon. Have an awesome week! I am currently designing my new self-improvement blog and will be launching it in a few days. You have inspired me. I have had my own personal and professional mottos for many years. Pick the one that moves you forward. I look forward to following your blog! I love your mottos! But so much of our autobiographies were written for us at such young ages. But then we can go back and edit those accounts in ways that self-affirm and build and reinterpret and motivate us forward. What a great line that so tersely and beautifully conveys such an important idea. Thank you so much for sharing your mottos here, Kristin! Sound advice from a man who knew what he was talking about. Mottos can act as bite sized motivational snacks to pick us up when we need it. They can also distil deeper into our souls and become expressions of our hearts. Yes, I think courage and fearlessness are related, even if not identically the same thing. I think courage is a moral trait whereas fearlessness is an emotional one. It just means we do the thing that needs to be done anyway. Whereas fearlessness strikes me as being without fear, so there is no moral component to acting when we have no fear in taking the action. Rather, it is the result of seeing life differently than the fearful do. Life is full of possibilities and possible problems. Sometimes you have to act different to face it right. So I think mottos are fine, but for specific things, not for everything. Make new ones everytime you need to. After all, there are so many locks, and so many keys. Not one, so many. But there are people known as hard workers or patient, forgiving or loving people. Those people often have personal mottoes that drive them forward when challenged with people or circumstances where it is difficult to work hard, be patient, forgive or keep loving. To have a new motto for every event and for every person you meet is to have no mottoes at all, nothing that helps identify your core strengths. I got that and more. This article helped me to identify and isolate key factors in my life that make up my core values that I subconsciously live my life by. Thank you for this. So glad to have played some role in that clarification of your core values. There will be no work you can do that will have a more lasting impact on yourself and the world than discovering your life purpose and living up to your values in its pursuit. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here. Remember:No excuses, No limits! Hope I can be one of the awesome people on this wonderful planet! I have several mottoes.

Would love any insight you could shed. Make new ones everytime you need to. Governor's duties is to plan an election to determine his or her successor near the end of his or her term. Having a motto or mission statement is not only important in business, but it should be the guiding principle in our personal lives as well. Browne and Prance set out and recruited enough members to apply to the state for a not for key club motto status. Did 6 million dead Jews attract their fate by virtue of their previous lives. Builders Club middle school has 42,000 members in 1,400 clubs in 12 nations. Key Club International, founded in 1925, is the oldest and largest service program for high school students.


released November 24, 2018


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